Mike will miss having his booths at the Olympic Trials this summer, they have been canceled for 2020 and pushed to 2021. Although the preparations for the booth are intense and the hours at the event are long, Mike and his crew love the excitement and the people who come meet him and see his work.
For 10 days the booth is filled with famous athletes and coaches, spectators from around the world and lots of art collectors. It’s a heady, exhausting mix and everyone involved looks forward to it, the energy of the event keeps you moving all day. This was to be Mike’s 4th time having the art booth at the
Trials and this year he was going to introduce the new bronze figure of Steve Prefontaine. He’s worked with Pre’s sister Linda Prefontaine for 2 years to produce this remarkable new portrait of the extraordinary icon. The 2 foot tall figure is coming off the last turn in the race, exhausted, looking to the left, pushing himself, charging all the way to the finish line.
We are looking forward to seeing everyone in 2021.